Top 10 Must-Have Breastfeeding Essentials for New Moms

Top 10 Must-Have Breastfeeding Essentials for New Moms

The most important phase in any woman's life is becoming a mother and holding her baby in her hands. Breastfeeding serves as an important link in fostering a deep connection between the mother and the baby. While many mothers assume breastfeeding will come naturally once they give birth to their baby, unfortunately, this isn't always the case for every new mother. 

To support nursing mothers in their breastfeeding journey and make it a lot easier there are certain breastfeeding essentials which every new mother should know about and also use for a fulfilling breastfeeding journey.  In this article, we'll discuss the top 10 must-have breastfeeding essentials for every new mother. 

Breastfeeding Pillow

Nursing mothers might feel more at ease and relaxed in their position while using breastfeeding pillows. Breastfeeding with pillow provides significant weight support for the infant as the mother sits in a chair, preventing strain on her arms, shoulders, and neck. In addition, due to the use of a breastfeeding pillow the muscles of the directly related areas would not contract for a long time during breastfeeding.

Nursing Bra

A nursing bra is clothing that supports the breasts and is specifically used during breastfeeding or pregnancy. This bra has a latch that exposes the nipple easily and quickly for breastfeeding. They also provide extra support for breasts that may be heavier than normal. Because of the simplicity and comfort it offers, a nursing bra is a must-have for every breastfeeding mom. 

Lactation Aid

Insufficient milk supply is one of the biggest concerns for new mothers. Maternal stress or pain can further reduce milk supply. Galactagogues (milk-enhancing foods) such as fenugreek, pumpkin are known to boost milk production. Galact, a lactation enhancer containing shatavari and six other natural herbs, not only improves breast milk supply but also enhances immunity.

Nipple Cream

The nipples of a new mother may hurt during the initial days and weeks of nursing. To protect and heal the delicate area, using nipple cream after breastfeeding or pumping is advised. Lanolin nipple cream is a natural product made from sheep's wool. For nursing mothers, this natural wool wax is magical because it helps soothe sore nipples.

Breast Shield

Breast shield for breastfeeding is essential for nursing mothers. A breast/nipple shield is a silicone device that fits over the nipple to help your baby if they are having trouble breastfeeding. A nipple shield can help your baby latch on. A good latch helps the baby get enough milk during feeding. However, experts recommend using breast shields only when necessary and for as little time as possible.

Nursing Pads

Breast milk leaking is common during the first several months of nursing and it may also be quite uncomfortable for women. This is the situation where maternity nipple pads are useful. Breastfeeding pads absorb leaking breast milk, keeping you dry and preventing stains on the clothes. They also provide a comfortable experience throughout the nursing journey by preventing chafing and inflammation.

Breast Pump

A breast pump is a tool for extracting or expressing breast milk during nursing that may be stored for later use. For new moms, this might be especially useful when they return to work, travel, or have someone else feed the baby. Engorged breasts or clogged milk ducts can also be relieved by using a breast pump.

Breastmilk Storage Containers

According to experts, keeping breast milk at room temperature (up to 77°F) for up to 4 hours after pumping is safe for consumption. When storing breast milk, it is recommended to use breast milk storage bags made for freezing breast milk. Clean glass or hard BPA-free plastic bottles with tight-fitting lids can be used. Disposable bottle caps or other plastic bags are not suitable for storing breast milk.

Healthy Diet

It is very usual for breastfeeding moms to skip meals or forget to eat when they are in the throes of newborn sleep deprivation and figuring out breastfeeding, but it is more important than ever to keep the body nourished! 

A healthy diet for nursing women includes eating portions of a range of fruits and vegetables, starchy foods like potatoes and rice, wholemeal cereals, pulses like beans and lentils, and proteins. 

Diaper Bag

Parents use a diaper bag, which is used to store all the essential items required for their newborn. Also known as a nappy bag, it features a multipurpose portion and compartments to arrange a variety of items including diapers, wet wipes, and a substantial amount of baby food and toys when travelling. 

Final Takeaway

These essential items help make the breastfeeding journey smooth and stress-free, allowing mothers to focus on fostering a deep connection with their newborns.


  • How to store breast milk?

Breastmilk can be stored for up to four hours at room temperature. Keep it in clean, tight-fitting screw-capped bottles. Breastmilk can be kept in clean glass bottles or hard BPA-free plastic bottles with tight-fitting lids.

  • Which pump do I need for breastfeeding?

It depends on how often you plan to use the pump. Electric pumps work better for frequent or daily pumping, while manual pumps work best for occasional use.
